Gabby Head Shot

This is your Captain speaking

Gabby Beckford is here to be your guide to a life of adventure, freedom, and a lot more flights 👩🏽‍🏫

She took her first solo trip at 17-years-old, quit her engineering job to pursue travel full-time at 23 years old, became a digital nomad, and has traveled to 50+ countries. She’s turned her passion for travel into a mission to help others achieve the same.

The Packs Light #DigitalShop is your destination for the mentorship and knowledge you need to achieve your next adventure. Whether you're planning your first solo trip, looking to earn money through remote work, or applying for a Paid Travel Opportunity—Gabby's got you!

Her products and expertise are here to take you from overwhelmed → on your way.

Other ways to work with Gabby

Are you looking for my travel guides? 🗺️

I have guides to Costa Rica, London, Jordan, and more but I don't host those on Teachable... find them here!